How do I link my website to your maps or
how can I add your maps to my website?
offer a service to create individual interactive web maps
that can be host on your company website. These maps can
also be stored on our site and linked to from your site For
additional details on this service, go to: Interactive
Web Maps.
How can I get my listings appear on the
maps within the Parcel Map Viewer?
the Parcel Map Viewer does not display multiple listing
service properties. However, we can incorporate your
in-house listing inventory into the Parcel Map Viewer.
Please contact us to fulfill
this additional service.
Can I access available listings from other
realty offices through the Parcel Map Viewer?
the Parcel Map Viewer does not display multiple listing
services properties. We do see the significant benefits of
offer this service and are working with MLS providers to
incorporate this important data enhancement. We can,
however, incorporate your own in-house listing inventory
into the Parcel Map Viewer. Please contact
us to fulfill about this additional service.
Can we use these maps to promote our
that is what we want and expect. You may distribute all
reports and data products to your customers and promote them
as your own company products. However you are not permitted
to provide access to the Parcel Map Viewer Application to
your customers. The Parcel Map Viewer Application is for
internal office use only.
Can I search for all locations meeting
specific size and use requirements?
can most definitely help you with these kind of requests.
Although not provided directly through the Parcel map Viewer
application, these services are offered by Real Estate
Mapping. For additional information or to make a request,
please contact us.
What happens if I exceed the number of
monthly reports allotted in my subscription account?
warning message will appear every time you reach your report
limit after clicking the print icon, letting you know that a
charge will be incurred on your account if you continue
generating the report.The charges will be added to your next monthly bill.
Is it safe to provide credit card data
over the internet?
have a secure SSL Internet connection for retrieving
personal information.You
may also provide your information over the phone.
Are there any discounts for paying
annually instead of monthly?
offer a 10% discount for an annual subscription to the
Parcel Map Viewer and Custom Report subscriptions.
Click on the Find tab on the right side of the Parcel Map Viewer and type in the street address and then choose the appropriate location from the list.
What if the application can’t find an address?
Double check the spelling of the street, look up the property by the owner’s name/parcel ID or try another street number close to the address in question.
How do I remove comparable sales from the list?
Click the "X" next to the number/address you do not want to include in the printed listing.
How do I know what map image/zoom level will print on the report?
The report will print whatever map image is currently displayed in the Map Image panel displayed on your screen prior to selecting the "print" icon.
How do I find information about comparable sales properties prior to generating the report?
Click the radial icon next to the address in question and then click the triangle on the bottom of the map to view the property details. Repeat for each address in question.
What is the address Wildcard?
This function allows you to identify all addresses on the designated street containing any part of the specified street number. For example 11 Adams St would include all on Adams St that contain a "11" combination such as 11, 111, 211, 112, 113, etc.
Can I access the Parcel Map Viewer from any computer?
Yes, you can access the Parcel Map Viewer from any computer with an Internet connection, using your username and password. See recommended Parcel Map Viewer requirements.
How do I re-center on a designated property?
Select the pan/re-center option to the right of the map and then click on the property you would like to appear in the center of the map.
How do I print an individual property report?
Select the desired property using the search tool or with the info parcel option then select the info results tab and click on the printer icon.
What is the property type market analysis?
This method of performing comparable market analysis is used for general market analysis. It does not compare sales to a specific subject property as the "Specific Property CMA" method does. With this method you can generate CMA reports by specifying any individual property type, for example 3 bedroom condo, 3 family residential, mixed use, commercial retail, etc.
What is the difference between the parcel and zoning printer icons in the municipal zoning layer?
The zoning printer icon will generate a report that displays the zoning map and corresponding zoning attribute data. The parcel printer icon will generate a map with whatever image is displayed in the Map Image Panel of our screen display with corresponding assessing parcel attribute data.
How does the magnify feature work?
Click and drag the mouse around the area that you wish to zoom to. The display will form a red rectangular box around the area that you have chosen. The display will change to the closest scale from the zoom level options and then center the map on the rectangular box.
Can pan by clicking and dragging the map image?
No. To pan the map to new locations, you must select the re-center/pan tool and click a location in the direction that you wish maneuver the map, i.e. top, bottom, right, left. The map image will reenter on that point. Do this in a steady progression to move the display to new geographies.
How does the Re-center/pan feature work?
Click on an area of the map and the map will center on that point.
Why do I get logged out?
The application is designed to automatically log you out after 20 minutes of inactivity.